Hey ya’ll! It’s been about 2 months since the launch of Creatively Corin, and I want you all to get to know the voice behind the brand even a little more! So I hosted an open forum on my Instagram for you to ask me personal questions, as well as questions surrounding the topics I cover here on Creatively Corin. Here’s 100 things to know about me!
Personal Life

Q1. What is the meaning behind your name? My full name – Corinthia- is Biblical, from the books I & II Corinthians. The meaning behind my name comes from I Corinthians 13, which is all about love.
Q2. How old are you? I turned 23 this past summer.
Q3. What is your favorite drink? Non-alcoholic, I love any fruit-flavored sweet tea or lemonade. And of course I love an Arnold Palmer too. As far as alcoholic drinks go, I’m a sweet red wine girl.
Q4. What is the last thing you bought? Other than a meal, my last purchase was silk sheets for my bed.
Q5. What is your favorite color? Pink, blush, rose- whatever you want to call a soft, neutral pink.
Q6. Do you have any pets? Not currently. I definitely have fur-baby fever, but since I live with my parents, having a pet is not an option for me. But honestly, my mind might change when I have to care for a puppy by myself.
Q7. What are your favorite YouTube channels? I love Sophiology, NitraaBTV, and ErinOnDemand. Each one of these ladies speaks to a different element of my life. Sophia lives the luxurious life I am trying to build for myself at a very young age. Nitra is home decor GOALS, and Erin is just a business boss. They’re all so inspiring!
Q8. What languages do you speak? Really just English, but since people claim an Atlanta accent is so hard to understand, I guess ATLien is my second language!
Q9. What is your favorite movie? This is SO hard to answer! If I had to choose one today, it’d be The Princess Diaries. My answer will change next week.
Q10. What are your favorite TV shows? At the moment, I am on a Girlfriends binge, and its definitely my new favorite. I can also watch Golden Girls, Matlock, Community, Big City Greens, and Flea Market Flip for hours on end. Ya girl has *range*.
Q11. Mac or PC? I’d say both. I have dinosaur of a Mac that isn’t really functional, so I am saving up for a MacBook. In the meantime, I blog on a PC and it gets the job done.
Q12. What phone do you have? I have an iPhone XR. I tend to stay a couple generations behind with my phone because they will literally give them away when they’re trying to push newer models. Plus, I just can’t fathom paying a close to a thousand for a new phone. Sorry, Apple.
Q13. Can you cook? I’d say so! I really love cooking, it’s the cleanup that I’m not so fond of. I love to cook soul/comfort food dishes the most- they’re just more fun to make!
Q14. What are your bad habits? Some would say I have terrible road rage. I can neither confirm nor deny that statement. Next question, please.
Q15. Favorite sport to watch? I grew up in a Falcons/Bulldogs household, so football would be my favorite- on TV or in person.
Q16. What is your favorite snack? Famous Amos cookies, trail mix (with M&Ms of course), and nacho cheese Doritos.
Q17. Favorite book of all time? Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
Q18. Do you have sibilings? Yes, I have one younger sister. We are four years a part, and she’s my bestie.
Q19. How tall are you? If you can’t tell already from my photos, I’m pretty petite. I am five feet even.
Q20. What is your relationship status? I’m happily single!
Q21. What is your zodiac sign? I’m not a firm believer in this, but by the calendar, I’m a Gemini.
Q22. Who is your favorite music artist? Right now? Lucky Daye. Of all time? I can’t choose a favorite.
Q23. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Up until my senior year of high school, I planned to be a teacher! When I was a TA for my work study my senior year, I decided teaching wasn’t for me.
Q24. Who was your childhood crush? I had two- Lil Bow Wow and Omarion.
Q25. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Hopefully blogging full time, owning a home of my own, and in a committed relationship. Prayers up for me, ya’ll.
Style & Beauty

Q26. Current holy grail beauty product? Soap and Glory’s “The Scrub of Your Life” body scrub. It‘s so luxurious!
Q27. Sephora or Ulta? Gotta say Ulta. I feel like they have better sales and a better loyalty program.
Q28. What is your favorite perfume for casual/everyday wear? Dot by Marc Jacobs. It’s an oldie but a goodie.
Q29. Dress up or dress down? Under normal circumstances I’d say dress up, but I have had absolutely no reason to get dressed in 2020, and I think I may have lost my touch.
Q30. Heels or flats? Heels erryday. (Not really, but you know what I mean).
Q31. How would you describe your style? I would say feminine chic. I love soft colors and light airy fabrics!
Q32. What’s one piece of clothing you can’t live without? A jean jacket. It’s a timeless staple.
Q33. What are your favorite places to shop online? My go-tos are probably what you’d expect for a budget conscious fashionista like myself. Missguided, PrettyLittleThing, BooHoo, and SheIn.
Q34. What is one fashion trend you love? Off the shoulder tops and dresses!
Q35. What is one beauty trend you wish would disappear forever? Mohawks. Can’t tell you why.
Q36. What is one beauty trend you love? I really like the “bubble” ponytails people have been wearing lately. I want to try it soon!
Q37. What is one fashion trend you wish would go away forever? Latex outfits. *cringe*
Q38. How do you budget for style and beauty essentials? I don’t usually buy things until I need them/when there is a sale/coupon code. That keeps me from breaking the bank.
Q39. Lipgloss or lipstick? I’m a gloss girl, with a little lip liner!
Q40. Full beat or natural glam? I feel most myself in a natural glam look.
Q41. What is the most expensive piece of clothing you own? Probably a pair of shoes, but I can’t remember. I don’t think I’ve spent more than $100 on one article of clothing, besides a prom dress that I resold after.
Q42. What is one luxury fashion or beauty item you’re saving for? A designer bag! I think I’ll do Louis first.
Q43. What is your go-to hairstyle? On my natural hair, (before I cut it), a slick back bun with a left side part and a swoop. Classic.
Q44. Who is your celebrity style crush? Adrienne Bailon- she has a small frame just like me, but always looks womanly and feminine!
Q45.What’s one beauty product everyone should use? SUNSCREEN.
Q46. How many steps are in your skincare routine? Four- cleanse, exfoliate, tone, and moisturize. And if I’m feelin extra, I’ll do a face mask before moisturizing. Ain’t nobody got time for all that other stuff.
Q47. Do you prefer online shopping or in person? A year ago, I would have said in person, but 2020 taught me online shopping is cool too!
Q48. Manicure or pedicure? Manicure- full set to be precise.
Q49. What season has your favorite fashion? I love everything about fall fashion!
Q50. What is the best fashion advice you’ve ever gotten? Wear what makes you feel comfortable.
Home & Entertaining

Q51. What is your design style? Modern glam. This isn’t the style of my current bedroom because I had to work with existing pieces, but in my own home I will definitely be sticking to that style.
Q52. Do you prefer to be a hostess or a guest? I’m always the hostess doing the most-ess.
Q53. Favorite wine for casual get-togethers? Call me basic, but I love Stella Rosa and Roscato!
Q54. Neutral color palette or bold? I love a good neutral base with pops of color as accents.
Q55. First place must-haves? Hardwoods in the kitchen, separate guest bath, and a designated laundry area.
Q56. If you could be a guest in anyone’s home, who would it be? Tia Mowry. She seems like a great hostess and a fun person!
Q57. How often do you clean your room? Once-ish a week.
Q58. What is your favorite design show? HomeTown on HGTV
Q59. Tips for hosting a perfect dinner party? Create a bomb playlist, splurge on beverages, and prepare enough food for folks to have seconds!
Q60. Tips for being the perfect dinner party guest? Don’t arrive empty handed and help out with cleanup at the end! Your host will be so thankful.
Q61. Move in ready or fixer upper? Move in ready with optional projects.
Q62. Townhome or single family? Townhome- no lawn to mow!
Q63. Where are your favorite places to shop for home decor on a budget? Target, TJMaxx, and HomeGoods.
Q64. Hire help or do-it-yourself? DIY!
Q65. Who is your favorite celebrity designer? I love Joanna Gaines!
Q66. Granite countertops or marble? Carrera marble for the win.
Q67. What is the best way to personalize your space on a budget? Create a gallery wall with artwork and your personal photographs.
Q68. One home accessory you can’t live without? A fluffy throw blanket! I also love a good coffee table book, too.
Q69. When you entertain guests, do you cater the food or make it yourself? It honestly depends on who the guests are and how many people are invited! I like to wow guests with my cooking skills, but I don’t want to miss the party being in the kitchen all night.
Q70. What is your favorite appetizer to serve when entertaining? Charcuterie boards are fun to make and always a crowd pleaser!
Q71. Real or faux houseplants? I thought I had a green thumb, but it turns out I don’t. Faux plants it is.
Q72. New build or home with character? Character just means old and worn. New build, no problems.
Q73. How long is too long for overnight guests to stay? Anything over 3 nights is wearing out your welcome.
Q74. What style of home do you prefer? I like Colonial style homes.
Q75. In three words, describe your dream home. Elegant. Inviting. Modern.
Travel & Experience

Q76. Carry-on or checked luggage? I have had a couple lost-luggage scares, so I’d definitely say carry on.
Q77. Aisle or window seat? Window seat– I need the views!
Q78. Fly or drive? Definitely fly. I’ve said this before, but the airport is really one of my favorite places to be.
Q79. Three places on your bucket list? Bali, Indonesia, the Amalfi Coast, and the Maldives.
Q80. Where was your first domestic flight? New York City
Q81. Where was your first international flight? Technically, London, England, but it was a connecting flight to my actual destination- Frankfurt, Germany.
Q81. Favorite US and international city? Dallas, Texas and Strausburg, France.
Q82. What do you always forget to pack on a trip? A doggone shower cap!
Q83. What is the most adventurous experience you’ve had? I’ve been tubing on the Swiss Alps!
Q84. Are you a group or solo traveler? I haven’t taken a solo trip yet, but I will soon!
Q85. What is the most interesting food you’ve tasted on your travels? Schnitzel and German potato salad.
Q86. What’s the best food you’ve tasted on your travels? Honey madeleines in France!
Q87. City or country? In the US, I like visiting other major cities. When I’ve traveled internationally, I’ve had the most fun in little-known cities outside of the capitals.
Q88. Mountains or beach? The beach will always have my heart.
Q89. Most over-rated experience? Parasailing. The views are nice, but it’s kinda like riding a rollercoaster over water.
Q90. Most under-rated experience? Traveling by train! It is such a cool experience.
Q91. What is it like traveling to a different country/ how may countries have you been to? I’ve been to 6 countries so far. It’s phenomenal! I believe everyone should have the cultural exposure of traveling.
Q92. What are your favorite experiences in your hometown? Concerts! Atlanta is a huge music hub and we know how to put on a good show.
Q93. Do you travel with an itinerary, or go with the flow? Now ya’ll should know by now- I plan everything. I’m a little more flexible on vacation though!
Q94. Hotel or Airbnb? Weekend trip? Hotel. 4 Days or longer- Airbnb.
Q95. Favorite no-to-low-cost activity/experience? Picnics!
Q96. Chain restaurant or Mom-and Pop spot? Definitely Mom and Pop!
Q97. What is one thing you never travel without? Headphones!
Q98. Best vacation memory? Being in the audience (and sitting at the tasting table) of The Chew and meeting Clinton Kelly.
Q99. Worst vacation memory? Taking a ride from some locals and getting put out on the side of the road. In the middle of the night. In a foreign country.
Q100. Tips for traveling affordably? Only pay a premium for the things that you’ll actually remember 1, 5, 10 years after the trip.
Whew! That was a lot! If you’ve gotten this far, thank you for taking the time to get to know me a bit better! I look forward to learning more about my readers as well. If you liked any of the questions I answered, answer them from your perspective below!